About us
TMF's Objective
"To sustain a network of transport modellers who use modelling to provide independent evaluation of infrastructure and land use changes."
Who’s in it?
The Forum was formed in March 2010 by a group of professionals with a common interest. Participants range from people using small scale models for junctions through to major strategic models geared to assess multiple schemes.
TMF membership is comprised of
• National Governments and Government Agencies
• Regional/Local government/PTEs
• Consultants and software providers
• Academia and research
• Individual members
TMF is for all aspects of the modelling process:-
For researchers and practitioners who concern themselves with transport data and manipulation.
Some members use small scale spreadsheet models to simplify a problem while others get a buzz from creating the algorithms that underpin how models replicate the real world.
It is also a place for ex-modellers who want to stay in touch.
What do we do?
TMF seeks to provide:-
• A forum for the exchange of ideas and experience
• Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
• A link to other modellers and appraisers
How do we do this?
There are 5-6 meetings a year, roughly bi-monthly.
At meetings there is an Open Forum, where current news, pointers to future events and questions are considered, and Members’ experiences can be utilized. Out of this can be generated ideas and discussions which can continue on into the pub after the meeting!